10 words that have recently been removed from the dictionary

The English language is comprised of thousands and thousands of words. But the language is always changing, and as language evolves and new vocabulary (including slang) is coined and recognized, older words that have fallen out of use are continually retired and removed from dictionaries.

So, is a word no longer a word once it’s been removed from a dictionary? Maybe. Maybe not. In either case, here are 10 such words, recently removed from dictionaries.


A British term referring to a landing field for airplanes and related structures (i.e., hangars). It's since been replaced by the word "airport."


This is an obsolete term for psychiatry, which is the study and treatment of mental illnesses. It’s a fair assumption that this term was phased out due to its offensive connotation of connecting the word alien with mentally ill patients.


To brabble is to squabble, quarrel, argue, or fight. Considering the number of synonyms readily available for this one word, retiring it was for the best.


From French, meaning wagon with benches, this combination of a bus and a motor coach was used for sightseeing. This word belongs in historical fiction now.


Check again, this word is NOT delicate. It means to amuse or please oneself by indulging in revels. It does however come from the Latin word delicatus, which also means delicate. With this confusing etymology, it’s better that this word dropped out of use.


Used to describe something that causes cold or is chilling. One can also imagine it being used in the same sense tubular and bodacious were used in 1980s slang.


Love shrubs? You could have used this word that means having the appearance of a shrub. With a look-up popularity circling the bottom 20 percent, there’s no need to guess why this word met its retirement.


A dishonorable person. A fair guess would be that this word stems from pirate-speak. However, it’s an alteration of snallygaster — a mythical creature that preys on poultry and children. Maybe this insult deserves to be revived.


It sounds like an advanced form of interrogation, but it means going above and beyond what is required by duty, obligation, or need. Its roots lie in Medieval Latin, and when the term was first coined, it was largely used in religious contexts.


The older definition of this word can refer to a young man or a child. There’s also an American online retailer that goes by the name Younkers and was founded in 1856 in Iowa. Otherwise, this one isn’t used anymore.